What YOU need to do to prepare for treatment

Clutter impedes the effectiveness of Thermal Remediation® so remove all clutter from closets, drawers and all around the house or apartment. Hot air is the “insecticide” — we need to move it everywhere.

  • Remove pets, birds, fish, cats, snakes, etc.
  • Remove all house plants, put outside if temperature permits.
  • Remove all waxes, crayons, candles, etc.
  • Remove all alcohol, wine, beer, etc. (place in refrigerator).
  • Place medicine in the fridge and take what you need with you.
  • Remove all firearms and ammo, gun powder, fireworks, etc.
  • Take down all plastic blinds – the heat will make them droop and become unusable.
  • Remove all makeup, nail polish, etc.
  • Remove all items that contain any alcohol – rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, medical prep pads, etc.
  • Remove all batteries from remotes, smoke detectors and laptop computers. Don’t forget the spare ones that we all have in drawers hidden away, etc.
  • Remove all aerosol products – paint, hair spray, deodorizers, etc.
  • Please remove all money and valuables.
  • Remove all oils – cooking, motor, etc. They will expand and may leak.
  • Remove all compressed gasses!!!
  • Remove all flammables, matches, lighters, etc.
  • Unplug all electronics, TV, computers, etc.
  • Remove all cassette tapes, video tapes, records, photo albums and negatives.
  • Please make sure that clothing hanging in the closets is not packed in too tightly. There should be room between the clothes so that head can penetrate all areas.
  • All items removed can be placed in a “NO HEAT” box by the door. We will inspect and deal with items inside.

The crew will be going into all the draws and closets so if there is anything that you don’t want the crew to find or see please remove it!!!!

’Thermal Remediation’ is a trademark owned by TEMP-AIR, Inc. and is used with permission.